Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Fugu Cuisine Restaurant in Hwanggeumdong

Today is the day I want to introduce you the 복어 in Daegu style.

*복어 also known as 복, Fugu (河豚), Pufferfish, Blowfish, Globefish in Tetraodontidae family.

Generally this fish is known as one of most poisonous vertebrates in the world. But the same time, it's known also as a delicate treat for human taste. Only licensed chefs have the right to prepare this fish for eating. We went to find out if the taste is worth the risk.


Course & set MENU

one of the menus, the main choices 

A (특) set

side dishes are brought out first together with blowfish skin

Blowfish seasoned skin

surprisingly delicious and juicy, mixed with veggies


Blowfish soup

one of most common style, simple yet delicious

Daegu style blowfish BBQ

most delicious part of the fish

after eating the main fish, it's fried with rice & egg circle around it - super delight!



To my surprise, the fish was delicious! It tastes nothing like the fish I'm used to have. In my opinion the taste is similar to a mixture of fish and crab meat. I really enjoyed this treat and if possible, would like to visit the restaurant again.

Price range: 10,000won - 200,000won
Parking: Yes
Location on map:
 복어잡는사람들 황금동